Courses We Offer

  • DPT Doctor of Physical Therapy
  • BSMT Cardiac Perfusion Science
  • BSMT Operation Theatre Sciences
  • BSMT Clinical Labortory Sciences
  • BSN Post-RN Nursing
  • PBSCN PB SP. in Cardiac Nursing
  • DMT Diploma in Medical Technology

BS Nursing in Post RN BS Nursing

Scope of

�BS Nursing is Bachelor in Nursing Degree as Nursing related to the health care profession in which nurse involve in all the activities that are done for sick and injured patients. Nursing is involved in almost all the department of a Medical hospital so that is why it is not jests stop on that person have basic knowledge that how to take care of patients but it involves complete theoretical and practical knowledge which is being delivered in BS Nursing Course. Nursing is a Noble Profession as you are directly involves in delivering your services to the mankind. There are now various Nursing colleges in several cities of Pakistan that offer a graduate as well as post graduate courses to the student. The work of a nurse is not so easy as it seems to be as it requires work long physically and mentally hardworking of a nurse then it is said to be a nurse.

The main job types that are available in the category of BS Nursing are, Nursing director. Administrator of nursing department, Forensic nurse, Lecturer, Principal, Researcher.

Following are the main working areas for a Post RN and Generic BS Nursing Graduate: Government and Private Hospitals. Health Departments of Governments and its Nursing Directorates, Nurses Examination Boards, Armed Forces, Public or Private Teaching and Training Institutes.

These are considered to be important and major employment areas for those candidates who want to study BS Nursing. This reputable profession is very common among Pakistani women and girls. If any girl wants to serve this nation and wants to work in the reputable profession then she should study BS nursing from the best and reputable university. After getting this degree, she will definitely become the high quality nurse and serve her skills and education in any hospital or clinic.

The Numurous Features Make AZIMS Extra Ordinary Medical Sciences Institute in Pakistan.