Courses We Offer

  • DPT Doctor of Physical Therapy
  • BSMT Cardiac Perfusion Science
  • BSMT Operation Theatre Sciences
  • BSMT Clinical Labortory Sciences
  • BSN Post-RN Nursing
  • PBSCN PB SP. in Cardiac Nursing
  • DMT Diploma in Medical Technology

Medical Technology (BSMT)

Scope of
Medical Technology

Medical Technology is a Discipline that combines the challenges and rewards of Medical Profession with Allied Health Sciences. Medical Technologists perform complex and varied procedures. They analyses, and use critical thinking skills in determining the accuracy and validity of results. They recognize the interdependency of information and possess the knowledge of physiologic and pathologic conditions affecting results in order to support medical decisions.

In diverse health care settings, Medical Technologists provide results used by physicians, Surgeons, or for any other diagnostic decisions which could be help full in determining the presence, extent, and causes of disease; monitoring therapy; and evaluating testing protocols to insure optimum and safe public health applications.

Today there is a greater demand of Allied Health Professionals than supply. Demand for Medical Technology Graduates have a wide choice of practice at hospitals, laboratories, public health facilities, forensic crime laboratories, sales and marketing of diagnostic instruments and reagents, federal and state regulatory agencies, and research and development of future clinical tests and instruments.

The institute is offering Medical Technology Degree program in following disciplines:

Cardiac Perfusion Sciences

Perfusion refers to the delivery of blood through the circulatory system to capillary bed in a tissue. Cardiac Perfusion is the process of scanning and measuring the amount of blood in your heart at rest and exercise. It also refers to the study of how blood flows through heart muscles. Cardiac Perfusionist are not doctors but technologists.

Perfusion refers to the delivery of blood through the circulatory system to capillary bed in a tissue. Cardiac Perfusion is the process of scanning and measuring the amount of blood in your heart at rest and exercise. It also refers to the study of how blood flows through heart muscles. Cardiac Perfusionist are not doctors but technologists.

The cardiac perfusion technologists are earning extremely high in Pakistan. Almost out of 10 every 3rd person is suffering from cardiac diseases in Pakistan. This is one of the highest paying jobs not only in Pakistan but in most of the countries of the world where Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) are common. There are so many job opportunities regarding Cardiac Perfusion Technologists are prevailing in Pakistan in both public and private sectors.


Clinical Laboratory Sciences


Clinical Laboratory or Medical laboratory Technologists usually do more complex tasks than clinical laboratory technicians do. They plays a crucial role in the detection, diagnosis, of a disease. Clinical / Medical laboratory Technologists also referred to as Clinical Technologists. Clinical laboratory personnel examine and analyze body fluids, and cells. Technologists also prepare specimens for examination, count cells, and look for abnormal cells in blood and body fluids. They use microscopes, cell counters, and other sophisticated laboratory equipment.

Clinical Laboratory Technologists perform complex chemical, biological, hematological, immunologic, microscopic, and bacteriological tests. Technologists microscopically examine blood and other body fluids. They make cultures of body fluid and tissue samples, to determine the presence of bacteria, fungi, parasites, or other microorganisms. Technologists analyze samples for chemical content or a chemical reaction and determine concentrations of compounds such as blood glucose and cholesterol levels. They also type and cross match blood samples for transfusions.

Clinical laboratory Technologists evaluate test results, develop and modify procedures, and establish and monitor programs, to ensure the accuracy of tests. Technologists in small laboratories perform many types of tests, whereas those in large laboratories generally specialize. Clinical chemistry technologists, for example, prepare specimens and analyze the chemical and hormonal contents of body fluids. Microbiology technologists examine and identify bacteria and other microorganisms. Blood bank technologists, or immune-hematology technologists, collect, type, and prepare blood and its components for transfusions. Immunology technologists examine elements of the human immune system and its response to foreign bodies. Cytotechnologists prepare slides of body cells and examine these cells microscopically for abnormalities that may signal the beginning of a cancerous growth. Molecular biology technologists perform complex protein and nucleic acid testing on cell samples. Clinical laboratory personnel are trained to work with infectious specimens.

Operation Theatre Sciences

The aim of the 4 years degree program in Operation Theatre Technology is to equip the students with relevant professional knowledge, skills, techniques and ethical values to enable them to apply their acquired expertise at level between the doctors and the patient for efficient health service delivery.

Operation Theater Technologists provide high standards of patient care and skilled support alongside medical and nursing colleagues during the anesthetic, surgical and recovery phases.

The role of OT Technologists involves in a variety of clinical settings. OT Technologist's is, therefore, required to have a broad knowledge and skill base, in addition to management and communication skills.

The students will be involved with the assessment, implementation and evaluation of pre-operative care which can be divided into three interconnected phases. These phases being the anesthetic phase, the surgical phase and the recovery phase.

The allied specialties of Surgical Faculty like orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, urology, cardiothoracic surgery all are headed by competent surgeons in their fields. The anesthesia team is one of the mainstream of surgical team without them nothing would have been possible.

Under the setup of a hospital, Operation Theatre technicians are usually part of a team that consists of doctors, nurses and other allied healthcare professionals.

The Numurous Features Make AZIMS Extra Ordinary Medical Sciences Institute in Pakistan.