Courses We Offer

  • DPT Doctor of Physical Therapy
  • BSMT Cardiac Perfusion Science
  • BSMT Operation Theatre Sciences
  • BSMT Clinical Labortory Sciences
  • BSN Post-RN Nursing
  • PBSCN PB SP. in Cardiac Nursing
  • DMT Diploma in Medical Technology

Fee Structure

Fee Structure

(Fee is Non Refundable in any case at any stage)
S.# Description Admission Fee Security Deposit Per Semester / Month* Prospectus Fee
1 Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Rs. 0 Rs. 0 Rs. 85,000/- Rs. 2,500/-
2 BS Medical Technology (CP/OT/CLS) Rs. 0 Rs. 0 Rs. 75,000/- Rs. 2,500/-
3 Post RN BS Nursing
(Two Years Degree Program)
Rs. 0 Rs. 0 Rs. 100,000/- (1st & 3rd)
Rs. 75,000/- (2nd & 4th)
Rs. 2,500/-
4 PB Specialization in Cardiac Nursing Rs. 0 Rs. 0 Rs. 85,000/- (Full Package) Rs. 2,500/-
5 Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 1,000/-
6 Diploma in Medical Technology (DMT) Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 300/-

Fee Payment Policy

Fee once paid is non-refundable / non-transferable and does not include any Examination or Enrolment fee or administrative charges of University / Institution.

All students are bound to pay their tuition, enrollment, examination fee and administrative charges (as and when required by the University / Institution) within the deadline failing which financial panelty/ surcharge will be applicable on weekly basis.

Fee can be paid physically or on line at the Abu Zafar Institute of Medical Sciences, Askari Bank Ltd., Malir Kalaboard Branch, Account # 2380420000131.

Rules for Payment of Fee
  1. Nonpayment of fee within the stipulated time period will lead to penalty / surcharge. The same will be mentioned in fee payment voucher.
  2. The fee is required to be paid on semester to semester basis before start of each semester.
  3. Examination form of any student who fails to clear his/her dues within stipulated time period may not be forwarded to the concerned University, and he/she may not be allowed to appear in examination.
  4. The fee covers admission, tuition and other fees as mentioned. It does not include University Enrolment, Examination fee and University Administrative Charges and PNC Pre-Registration Fee.
  5. The Management of College reserves the right to change the fee structure at any time if needed in special circumstances.
  6. Student who failed in a year / semester will have to repeat semester / year as repeater / yearback student and pay full semester fee of current semester as per fee structure of that session.
  7. For example : If a student fails to clear all or few courses of any semester in Annual and re-sit examination, will be declared as "repeater / Year Back" student. he/ she will repeat the year from begning and will pay full tuition fee of the semester in which he / she is adjusted as repeater's fee.

Application form & prospectus for admission can be obtained on a non refundable payment.

The Numurous Features Make AZIMS Extra Ordinary Medical Sciences Institute in Pakistan.